I recently ran into some Trouble in my Real life, and it ground my gaming life to a halt. So, Yes, I fell off the grid for a long while, and while Im sorry that I did, it was Necessary. But Im back now, for a while at least. This post is going to be short, a longer one about what Im thinking about will be sometime next week, but I had to get something off my chest.
I wrote a post, my second one I believe on this blog, that talked about Online Friends. The friends that were the most worried about me, and the happiest to see me come back, were the friends that I met and spend time with online. They welcomed me back, and from the emails, Twitter DMs, and Facebook messages, they were extremely worried about me since I fell off the grid without saying anything.
So, to Profitz, Goblinraset, Mist, Morenn, Milk, Vero, Erogroth, Tiriel, Fistlobster, Suplift, Leblue, and anyone else that I didint mention, thank you. Thank you for showing me that even though we have never met in person, that you still care enough to worry about me. I am very lucky to call you my friends.