Monday, May 27, 2013

Putting things off and Boredom; The Power of the Net

For the people that didnt know, I live on the internet. I dont know if I should be proud to say that, or not, but its true. And that isnt to say that I dont enjoy it. I really do. I love logging on in the morning and catching up on twitter and facebook. Then getting down to the grind, getting any videos I need edited done. But, as well as being my place of residence, the internet is also my weakness,

I have always pushed things off, even when I was in school. Projects, studying, everything.This isnt to say that Im stupid, I just get bored very easily. And I mean, very, very easily. And it always happens. Its one of the main reason why I love doing things with other people, they keep me entertained so I can actually get the things that I need to get done, done. And thats the name of the game, Completing things.

But then, I moved out and got a job that doesnt require me to go to work everyday. And I built my computer, made it so it was nice and fast (even though Ive had a few issues with it, but thats another story). I sat down and set some goals for myself. I wanted to start a blog, this blog in fact, two years ago. I wanted to start producing content for youtube everyday. I wanted to do so much, and I pushed it off. I started playing video games more and more, and I loved it because it kept me focused.

Doing anything on the Internet is very hard for me. Distraction, combined with my ability to get bored very easily, takes hold. Projects that would normally take a day or two take me weeks because of it. For example, the content I release on youtube takes me a few weeks to finish. From finally getting down to recording it, to editing, to uploading, I just get distracted or bored and do somethig else. Hell, even creating this blog took me about a week and a lot of pushing from friends of mine on Twitter. And thats what it took for me to make it, but at least I did get it done.

Personally, I dont know if many people have the same issue. I dont mean that people are never getting distracted, just I dont think its as bad as me. Or everyone is as bad as me. I tend to have anywhere from 4-6 tabs open on my internet, my other monitor is a chat room and twitter, and my laptap playing a stream while I "work" so, I really dont get much work done.

But Im trying to change that. I guess that whole "First step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one" is true here. I admit I have a HUGE issue with Putting things off, but Im going to find a way to fix it. Im either going to get a day planner, or a whiteboard in which I can put up ToDo lists for me to see, so I can keep myself sane. Hell, even a notebook that I can divide the page into 5 days for me to get stuff done on would work at the moment.

Moral of the Story; Keep yourself on target, or things might get worse they you think.

1 comment:

  1. In the mental list of Adult-Things-To-Do-Tomorrow that I make every night before falling asleep, actually formalising some kind of planner of schedule is the first thing I think of. Except...I am yet to sit down and actually do that schedule. There are too many shinys that distract me. Curse you, internet!

    Good luck with keeping on track :)
